Monday, November 30, 2009

John MacArthur: Witnessing to His Old Football Coach

John MacArthur: Witnessing to His Old Football Coach

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Catherwood (daughter) on Lloyd-Jones (her father)

Below is from the hand of my church's faithful receptionist/secretary, Kasey Gurley:

Last year when J.I. Packer was visiting Mark Dever, we had an informal Q & A with Dr. Packer in Mark’s study.

Knowing I might have an opportunity to ask Dr. Packer a question and knowing that Dr. Packer had sat under Lloyd Jones' preaching, I googled their names together before the Q&A to help me ask a more informed question. I came across this quote from the Desiring God website:

When J. I. Packer first heard Lloyd-Jones he said that he had "never heard such preaching." It came to him "with the force of electric shock, bringing to at least one of his listeners more of a sense of God than any other man" he had known.

I brought up this quote to Dr. Packer and asked him what set Dr. Lloyd-Jones apart from other preachers (understanding that ultimately the force behind his preaching was not Dr. Lloyd-Jones, but the Lord’s good pleasure to bless Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ life and ministry). Dr. Packer said that he had thought about this question himself and had boiled his thoughts down to three main things that permeated all of Lloyd Jones’ life and teaching.

This week when Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ daughter, Lady Elizabeth Catherwood, was asked a similar question during a similar informal Q&A in Mark’s study, she repeated many of the same themes Dr. Packer had noted. Those themes were:

1. The man deeply felt his conversion. Dr. Lloyd-Jones never got over the Lord’s mercy to him in saving him and this was clear in his preaching.
2. The underlining issue behind his preaching was the glory of God. Behind all of his preaching the main point and main issue was always that God be glorified and exalted. He never treated the Lord casually.
3. He had the presence of a man who dwelt with the Lord in prayer. When he preached, he sincerely preached as a man that had consistently lingered truly humbly before the Lord and had dwelt on the Truth of God in Scripture. He brought those meditations and that posture to the people.

by Matt Schmucker,

Friday, November 27, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

From Burk Parson's Tweet

The soul's deepest thirst is for God Himself, who has made us so that we can never be satisfied without Him—FF Bruce

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Good reminder of the importance of our focus by Mike Milton in By Faith Magazine:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Failure and Success

In his book, Crazy Love, Francis Chan shares this quote by Tim
Kizziar: "Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that really don't matter."

Rising from the Valley of Death | Music | Christianity Today

Rising from the Valley of Death | Music | Christianity Today

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

From Al Moher's Tweet

Talking about politics in a fallen world. Christians should always be mindful of political responsibility, but even more aware of its limits.