Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Sabbath and the Lord's Day

“Christ’s saving work has transformed the weekly Sabbath. It is no longer the seventh day of the week, but the first, and it is no longer called the Sabbath, but the Lord’s Day. This is because the apostles observed their day or worship and rest on the day that Jesus rose from the dead (John 20:19; Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:2). Already by the end of the first century, Ignatius was able to write that Christians ‘no longer observe the Sabbath, but direct their lives toward the Lord’s Day, on which our lives are refreshed by Him and by His death.’ B.B. Warfield explained it like this: ‘Christ took the Sabbath into the grace wit5h him and brought the Lord’s Day out of the grace with him on the resurrection morn’” (Philip Ryken, Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today’s Moral Crises, p111).