Monday, April 19, 2010

The Blessings of Consecutive Expository Preaching by John Starke

Christopher Ash’s new The Priority of Preaching (Christian Focus) is a short and punchy book on the significance of the Word preached every Sunday. One of the highlights of this excellent book is the Appendix “Give God the Microphone.” Ash gives seven blessings of consecutive expository preaching. They are insightful and should encourage us to rely on the wisdom of God Sunday after Sunday. Here is the list:

1. Consecutive expository preaching safeguards God’s agenda against being hijacked by ours.
2. Consecutive expository preaching makes it harder for us to abuse the Bible by reading it out of context.
3. Consecutive expository preaching dilutes the selectivity of the preacher.
4. Consecutive expository preaching keeps the content of the sermon fresh and surprising.
5. Consecutive expository preaching makes for variety in the style of the sermon.
6. Consecutive expository preaching models good nourishing Bible reading for the ordinary Christian.
7. Consecutive expository preaching helps us preach the whole Christ from the whole of Scripture.

John Starke is the managing editor of TGC Reviews. He and his wife Jena live with their three children in Louisville, KY where John is a Master of Divinity student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. They are members of Clifton Baptist Church. John blogs regularly at John Ploughman.

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