Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elder Governance: Insights Into Making the Transition

Three years ago, Patterson Park Church, where I serve as a vocational elder and teaching pastor, transitioned from a "church board" form of church government to an "elder led" form of government. That transition took place over a one-year period. Our board, the deacons and the associate pastors, studied the Scripture's teaching on spiritual leadership and concluded that an elder led form of church government was more in line with Scripture. After six months we formed a committee to flesh out what this would look like and how it would impact our congregation and our constitution.

During the process we looked for resources to help us through the process. We read some very helpful books related to the concept of elder governance (Alexander Strauch, Gene Getz, etc). As far as making the transition, we did not find any resources to help direct us through the process. God was gracious and our congregation responded with an overwhelming affirmation (95%). After the transition took place, Dan Evans, one of our non-vocational elders, and I talked about how our experience could help other churches considering such a transition. We decided to write a book, a first for both of us. Wipf and Stock agreed to publish it under their Church Resources division. Kent Hughes wrote a very gracious introduction. Alexander Strauch and Jim Grier both wrote kind endorsements.

The book is available on the Wipf and Stock website as well as at Amazon.

Dan and I are most grateful to all who contributed to the publication. Our sincere desire is that God would use it for his own glory and for the help of churches considering such a transition.

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